PSNA Supports Medicaid Waiver

The Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA), representing more than 212,000 registered nurses in Pennsylvania, thanks Governor Corbett for bringing nurses to the table as he submits the HealthyPA Medicaid waiver to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

PSNA appreciates Governor Tom Corbett’s focus on pursuing quality, affordable access to care for all citizens of the Commonwealth through the HealthyPA initiative. PSNA supports a Medicaid program highlighting prevention and early intervention measures, while providing access to a full range of qualified health care providers, including Registered Nurses.

“As Medicaid reform unfolds,” states PSNA CEO Betsy M. Snook, MEd, BSN, RN, “PSNA is committed to the inclusion of all Registered Nurses at decision-making tables. PSNA has long championed that the full contributions of nurses and nursing are essential to the delivery of high-quality, patient-focused care.” Snook continued, “PSNA looks forward to continued work with the Corbett administration to provide a Pennsylvania-specific plan to reforming Medicaid.”