Ask a Travel Nurse Question:
I’ve been traveling for two years now and have always found my own housing, but coming up in January I’m planning to take the plunge and head to Hawaii, so I was thinking I’d like to eliminate some stress and just have my agency handle my housing for this assignment. Do you think this would be smart? Or will this unpack my pay too much and not be worth it?
Ask a Travel Nurse Answer:
I’m sorry, but this is simply not a question that I can answer for you. Let me explain.
In 19 years, I have never taken an assignment where I arranged my own housing. This is for precisely the reason that you mentioned, it is just too stressful. But that is actually not the reason for not being able to answer your question.
The reason I cannot answer your question is that I have no idea what dollar amount we would be talking about, nor do I have any idea if this dollar amount would equate with the amount of stress relief it provides. Again, I always think it is worth it to have someone else find the unit, arrange the lease, pay the deposit, take care of issues should they arise, and about 20 other things that I would have to deal with on my own should I not have my company’s housing department to do it for me.
Even if I were to know the dollar amount, what might be worth a pay cut to me, might not be worth it to you.
Find out the dollar amounts, research how hard it is finding housing on the island where you are headed, and then maybe hit the travel nursing forums and see what others have to say about finding housing in Hawaii. The three times I have gone, I have always had company housing and no complaints.
Sorry I could not answer you more directly, but this is personal decision once you have all the information. Good luck!