Nurses for Bernie community party in Fremont, CA.

Over the past few months, in living rooms & community centers across the country, nurses have been gathering to host parties in support of Bernie Sanders. Nationwide we’ve been coming together to talk about Bernie’s candidacy and brainstorm ways we can help. This past weekend, around 150 nurses and community members came together for a Nurses For Bernie Community Party in Fremont, CA. 

During the event, nurses spoke about the many reasons Nurses support Bernie – Robin Hood Tax, Free College, Medicare for All, Climate Change leadership, a Pro-Peace foreign policy & more.


Nurses also did en masse Zumba, held a raffle offering items contributed by the community, had a pot luck featuring food that reflected the diversity of Fremont, hosted a kids dance contest, and more. 


Through the raffle and independent donations, nurses raised over $1300 for the Bernie campaign!


The event was highlighted by a supporter who ran 30 miles from Berkeley to the event in Fremont, wearing a cape that read “Feel The Bern. Bernie 2016.” 


This event was an absolute success. The sense of community and widespread desire for fundamental social and economic change was strong and palpable. Fremont is Feeling the Bern!