Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., writing for the majority, favors a tight definition for businesses that can be exempted from the health law’s contraceptive mandate. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg suggests the consequences may be farther reaching.
Category Archives: Nursing News
FAQ: High Court’s Hobby Lobby Ruling Cuts Into Contraceptive Mandate
The court says closely held corporations may be exempted from the health law’s mandate that employer health plans cover certain types of contraception at no cost to the employee.
What The Hobby Lobby Decision Means For Employers
KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and legal analyst Stuart Taylor discuss Monday’s ruling on the health law’s contraception mandate, examining what the decision could mean for future challenges to the law.
Supreme Court Limits Contraceptive Mandate For Certain Employers
Critics of the 5-4 decision argued it curbs women’s freedom to make appropriate contraceptive decisions.
ANA Calls for Women’s Health Care Protections
Retooling Hospitals, One Data Point At A Time
The University of Utah improved quality and reduced costs by tracking each patient’s care.
A Reader Asks: Can New Employees Be Forced To Wait 90 Days For Coverage?
KHN’s consumer columnist says a 90-day delay is allowed by the health law but employees have other options to get through that time.
Getting Rural Patients Psychiatric Help Fast
Patients in rural hospitals often have to wait days to see a psychiatrist. South Carolina is a leader in turning that around.
Affordable Care Act helps 76 million Americans with private coverage access free preventive services
Affordable Care Act helps 76 million Americans with private coverage access free preventive services
Observing National HIV Testing Day
Observing National HIV Testing Day