Primary Election August 12-MNA Supports Rebecca Otto for Auditor

Minnesota’s primary election is Tuesday, August 12. You have a chance to return one of the most accomplished state auditors in the country to her post.

Rebecca Otto

MNA endorses Rebecca Otto for State Auditor

MNA has endorsed Rebecca Otto for State Auditor. Otto has carefully served as a watchdog for local governments, including her role in reviewing almost 700 public pension plans, and promoting legal compliance and accountability.

Rebecca Otto (DFL) is one of the most highly-respected state auditors in the United States. In 2014 she was named one of the Most Influential Professionals in Government Auditing by the American Center for Government Auditing (ACGA). She has also received the National Auditors Association Excellence in Accountability Award for Best Practices Review: Reducing Energy Costs in Local Government. In 2011 she received the League of Minnesota Cities President’s Award.

Rebecca Otto has done an outstanding job for the citizens of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Nurses Association is proud to support her.

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Ask a Travel Nurse: Do I have to buy new scrubs for each Travel Nursing assignment?


Travel nurses in scrubs

Ask a Travel Nurse: Do I have to buy new scrubs for each Travel Nursing assignment?

Ask a Travel Nurse Question:

Came across your site today and find it to be a most excellent resource. I am researching Travel Nursing options so I can begin my next career phase. The hospital I work for requires RNs to wear navy blue scrubs. Does a Traveler have to buy new scrubs with each assignment?

Ask a Travel Nurse Answer:

Unfortunately, buying the uniforms that the facilities require is part of Travel Nursing. However, I’ve worked in probably seven different hospitals in the past two years and ALL of them had their nursing staff wearing navy blue scrubs. While it may be more of a universal color here on the west coast, hopefully the east coast will also catch up and “universalize” so that navy blue may be the last color you have to buy.
