MNA Legislative Update May 2, 2014
Public Employee Relations Board
A bill to establish a Public Employee Relations Board (HF3014) was passed by the full Senate on Monday. This legislation would create a board to decide Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) claims involving public employees, which includes many MNA nurses at public municipal or county hospitals (known in statute as Charitable Hospitals). Under current law public employees must litigate ULP claims in district court-a cumbersome and expensive process. The PERB bill would create a process that saves employers and employees money and would mirror the ULP process in the private sector.
Many nurses contacted their senators last week asking them to oppose attempts to remove Charitable Hospitals from the bill, and we are pleased to report that an amendment to exempt those facilities failed. Another amendment to delay implementation of the PERB for Charitable Hospitals for one year also failed.
The companion bill was already passed by the House, and, next week, we anticipate the House will vote to concur with the Senate version of the bill, which would then go on to the Governor for his signature.
Sen. Kathy Sheran’s bill (SF511) to allow Advance Practice Registered Nurses to practice to the full extent of their scope was heard on the Senate floor. Her bill would give full practice authority to Certified Nurse Midwives, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Nurse Specialists. The bill allows APRNs to practice independently, but does limit CRNA’s who will continue to require a collaborative management agreement with a physician to practice pain management.
The bill passed unanimously, and we anticipate the House will vote to concur with the Senate language, which MNA supports over the House language.
Medical Marijuana
The bill to legalize medical marijuana prescribed by a physician for certain serious medical conditions (SF1641) passed the Senate State and Local Government Committee on Tuesday then passed Judiciary without recommendation on Wednesday. The Senate Health and Human Services Finance Division amended the bill today to prohibit smoking medical marijuana, but would still allow “vaping,” the inhaling of fumes through a charged liquid vaporizer.
On Thursday, Representative Carly Melin and House leadership announced a new medical marijuana proposal (SF2470) that would pave the way for clinical trials for patients with qualifying conditions such as seizures, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and glaucoma. Because the bill prohibits smoking marijuana for medicinal purposes, law enforcement is neutral; they have opposed other bills that allow smoking as well as other methods of using medicinal marijuana.
Today the House Rules Committee is hearing the compromise bill introduced by Rep. Melin. As of this writing they have not yet concluded their hearing.
MNA supports legislation that would provide compassionate relief to seriously ill patients.
Health and Human Services Policy Omnibus Bills
The Senate and House omnibus Health and Human Services Policy bills have been taken up by a conference committee to work out differences between the two. The bills both include language that MNA supports related to the Health Professionals Services Program and health professionals with substance use disorders.
Supplemental Budget Bills
The House and Senate are also working out the differences between their supplemental budget bills in a conference committee. In his supplemental budget recommendation, Governor Dayton included $11 million this year and $22 million in the next biennium to cover the cost of negotiated salary increases for staff working in 24-hour care facilities within State Operated Services and the Minnesota Sex Offender Program, which includes many MNA members. While neither the House nor the Senate has included this funding in their respective omnibus bills, we have spoken to conference committee members and about the serious consequences of not funding the State Operated Services salary supplement. We will continue to monitor the negotiations.
Nurses Week May 6-12
MNA nurses will be going to the Capitol the morning of Tuesday, May 6 for the kickoff to Nurses’ Week. We’ll meet at the MNA office at 9:00 am to carpool over to the Capitol. We anticipate the House and Senate will go into session around 10:00 or 11:00 am. As legislators enter the chambers, we will give out stickers saying “Nurses Care” then listen to speeches honoring nurses from the Galleries. Please email geri.katz@mnnurses.org if you can come on Tuesday morning.
MNA Government Affairs Commissioners and staff with State Representative
Joe Atkins at the Capitol on Wednesday.