MNA R5 council meetings are scheduled the third Tuesday of each odd-numbered month. Meetings will be held at MNA Headquarters at 6pm. Here is an updated list…
Author Archives: Editor
Switching To A Spouse’s Plan Can Be Difficult If Timing Isn’t Right
If a married couple who each have health insurance through a job wants to switch coverage from one employer to the other, usually it’s a snap. During the fall open enrollment period the husband, for example, can simply drop his on-the-job coverage for the new year and his wife can add him to her plan Jan. 1.
Since many companies have calendar year coverage periods, that’s the way it typically works.
But switching to a spouse’s plan can be problematic when plan coverage periods for them aren’t in sync—for example, one renews in July and the other January.
A reader recently wrote in with just such a problem. Her company’s open enrollment period is going on right now and the couple wants to switch from her husband’s high-deductible plan to her employer plan, which has better coverage. But her husband’s employer is refusing to allow him to change before next July, when his company’s new coverage year begins.
The employer may be within its rights in refusing, says J.D. Piro, a senior vice president at Aon Hewitt, who leads the benefits consultant’s health law group. When coverage periods are different, it’s up to the company to decide whether it wants to allow employees to drop the company plan so they can sign up for a plan with a different coverage period, says Piro. These “change in status” rules are determined by the employer.
This is not the same as when someone gets married or has a child, for example, or if a spouse loses coverage under another employer plan. Those events can trigger a “special enrollment period,” and companies are generally required to offer employees or their family members an opportunity to enroll at that time.
To find out whether your company allows you to switch to a spouse’s plan, get a copy of the “summary plan description” from your employer, says Piro.
“Many employers aren’t aware of the complexity of the rules or they only permit changes in certain situations,” he says. Armed with the plan description, you’ll know what your company allows and you can use it, if necessary, to inform your human resources department, says Piro.
Please contact Kaiser Health News to send comments or ideas for future topics for the Insuring Your Health column.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Financial incentives and ability to exchange clinical information found to be top reasons for EHR adoption
Ability to exchange clinical information and financial incentives found to be top reasons for EHR adoption.
Ask a Travel Nurse: Is my Travel Nursing contract OK?

Ask a Travel Nurse: Is my Travel Nursing contract OK?
Ask a Travel Nurse Question:
Hi David! I’m getting ready to start my very first Travel Nursing assignment in a couple of weeks. I just got my contract today and I was wondering if you would mind taking a look at it and seeing if everything looks OK? I can email it to you if you like.
Ask a Travel Nurse Answer:
I would be happy to look over any contract you would like to send to me at, but will only do so with the understanding that I am NOT a legal professional and would only be giving you my opinion from the eyes of a traveling healthcare professional.
Obviously, for any definitive answers, I would ALWAYS tell you that if you have any concerns, consult a legal professional. However, I’ve signed a contract or two (or actually closer to over thirty), and can tell you the areas that give me pause when signing up for an assignment.
Just about every contract I have ever seen will ask for a certain amount of trust between you and the travel company. However, some are certainly better than others in protecting the nurse should something happen on your assignment that warrants you having to leave.
I’d also like to mention that I will not answer any questions regarding rates or if the contract seems “fair” or “worth it”. That is completely a question for you to determine. What may seem “fair” to one individually may completely miss the mark for someone else.
I also cannot know the going rates for each area of the country and in every specialty. I always tell nurses to ask themselves if the rate they are offered will allow them to meet all their financial obligations with a little “play money” left over. If so, then you need to decide if the area is worth the rate offered. Would you take $20/hr to work in Fargo for the winter? (sorry Fargo) But in contrast, would you accept $20/hr to spend the winter laying on the sandy beaches of Hawaii on your days off? It’s all about perspective; is the contract worth it to YOU?
Additionally, do not play the game of trying to figure out if there are any other travelers in the unit making more than you. It’s a game that you will always seem to lose and you will likely never know the FULL scope of their contract. Maybe they are making two dollars more an hour than you, but maybe your health benefits are much better than the ones for which they are paying two or three times more.
So if you, or anyone reading, would like to forward me your travel contract, I would be happy to look over the details and give you an opinion based solely on my experience as a travel nurse.
Hope this helps.
Tips for Taking Care of Tired Nurse Feet

Recharge and renew with these tips for taking care of tired nurse feet.
Feet were built for moving, whether it be running from patient to patient or standing at bedsides administering care. But your job doesn’t ever seem to give your tired feet a break! At the end of the day, the constant pressure and use can mean that they are extremely sore and aching for reprieve.
Because the job you do is so important, you deserve to be as comfortable as possible. That means outfitting your feet with the proper footwear, from comfy socks to shoes engineered for activity. It also means pampering yourself with little indulgences. And really, who can say no to that? So kick back and relax while you read these tips for taking care of tired nurse feet!
At Work:
The wrong kind of footwear can greatly aggravate foot soreness, and make your days seem endless. These two types of products can be useful to alleviate some of the ache, as well as help posture and back pain.
Compression Stockings — Compression socks can make it feel as though you’re walking on clouds! They are designed to compress the foot and leg, reducing distended veins and increasing blood flow. Thus, they relieve leg and foot aches through a decrease of venous pressure. More blood to the heart and less to pool in the feet!
Comfortable Footwear — For long hours at work, well though-out footwear is a must. Whether you prefer something you can slip on quickly or something that prevents slipping on the job, Tafford has you covered. More comfortable in athletic sneakers or need shoes for a run to de-stress after work? No problem! Tafford carries a selection of athletic shoes as well.
After Work:
Taking care of yourself shouldn’t take a backseat to taking care of others. Reduce tension and pain in your feet when you get home so that you’re ready to return to the job you love the next day! Here’s a few ideas that promote relaxed feet.
Elevate Your Feet When You Get Home — Help the blood flow back to your heart and core after pooling in your feet all day by elevating your legs when you get home.
Foot Bath Soaks — Hot water will increase blood flow while cold water or ice can reduce swelling. Both can and should be used in conjunction. Additionally, you might try:
- Vinegar – Vinegar has also been shown to reduce inflammation. You can create a solution of water with a few tablespoons of vinegar and soak your feet, or you can soak a towel and wrap it around your feet.
- Epsom Salt – The magnesium in epsom salt acts as a natural pain reliever. Add a few tablespoons to hot water (to dissolve) and soak for 10-15 minutes. Note: It can make your feet dry, so put on some moisturizer afterward.
- Clove Oil – Afflicted with joint pain, athlete’s foot, nail fungus, or general soreness? Clove oil is a proven remedy. Simply massage it onto your feet on a daily basis.
Reflexology Massage — Mmm. Nothing says “indulgent treat” quite like a massage, and you deserve it! The treat with a professional reflexology massage is not only the tension relief in your feet but the whole body – triggered by specific points on your feet.
Nurses know what long days on your feet can do to morale, mood, and overall effective thinking. Increase blood flow and reduce the aches of the day with compression socks and comfortable shoes from Tafford. Then indulge in some activities to eliminate any remainder of the aches and pains. You deserve it!
Federal Officials Urge Marketplace Consumers To Look For Better Deals In 2015
More than 70 percent of people who currently have insurance through the health law’s federal online marketplace could pay less for comparable coverage if they are willing to switch plans, officials said Thursday.
With a Dec. 15 deadline looming for coverage that would begin Jan. 1, current policy holders should come back to to see if they can get a better deal, the officials said. They’ll find more plans available and nearly 8 in 10 current enrollees can find coverage for $100 or less a month, with subsidies covering the rest of the cost.
A Department of Health and Human Services analysis of 2015 individual market premium data for 35 of the states participating in the federal marketplace, or exchange, found that premiums for the lowest-cost silver plans will increase on average by 5 percent, while prices will increase on average by 2 percent for the second-lowest-cost silver plans, which is called the benchmark plan because subsidy levels are pegged to its cost. “The plans offering the lowest prices have sometimes changed from 2014 to 2015, so consumers should shop around to find the plan that best meets their needs and budget,” the report advises.
If they stay in their current plan, consumers may discover that their subsidy may not go as far if the price of the benchmark plan declined for 2015. “We strongly, strongly encourage people to come back to the website and shop,” marketplace CEO Kevin Counihan told reporters during a press call. Federal marketplace enrollees who do not switch plans by Dec. 15 will be automatically re-enrolled in their current coverage.
The number of companies offering policies for next year has increased by 25 percent. Consumers can choose from an average of 40 plans for 2015, up from 30 in 2014, based on the HHS analysis, which examined plan rates at the county level.
Consumers have until Feb. 15 to enroll for coverage in 2015, the marketplace’s second year.
The HHS analysis, mirroring other reviews of 2015 premiums, shows that what consumers pay for coverage depends on where they live. In Juneau, Alaska, for example, a 27-year-old enrolled in the second-lowest-cost silver plan would pay $449 per month for coverage in 2015 before tax credits, a 34 percent increase from 2014. In Jackson, Miss., that same level of coverage would cost $253, or 24 percent less than $332 charged in 2014.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Warm Coat Drive
The Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA), representing more than 218,000 registered nurses in the Commonwealth, will be hosting a winter coat drive through January 16, 2015. Spearheaded by PSNA’s Young Nurse Professionals group, the coat drive will help to ensure that no one goes without a warm coat this winter. Donations will be delivered by the Young Nurse Professionals group to the Caring Cupboard, Palmyra at the end of January.
PSNA will be collecting new or clean, like-new items including coats, scarves, hats and gloves. Donations can be sent or delivered to PSNA headquarters at: 3605 Vartan Way, Suite 204, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
“It is our goal to provide warm coats to community members who are in need. Optimum health cannot be achieved when basic needs are not met — such as weather appropriate clothing,” stated PSNA’s Young Nurse Professionals Chair Lisa Hostetter, BSN, RN-BC. “Additionally, nurses are role models. Our charitable presence can encourage and engage the participation of fellow community members.”
“PSNA is proud to support this important initiative led by our new-to-practice RNs,” stated PSNA CEO Betsy M. Snook, MEd, RN, BSN. “It is the group’s mission to be active in their community and this is a valuable project that all of our nurse colleagues can support.”
New to Practice Nurses
PSNA is pleased to announce the unveiling of our Young Nurse Professionals group. Young professionals have a clear vision of their ideal work setting, community and future. As you know, they also have a heavy work schedule, leaving them just a few hours of free time. This group is a simple, fun solution to using their time to advance their careers! With the Young Nurse Professionals, they can build a community of peers, discuss career-related concerns, provide insight into the needs of new RNs and make their community a better place to live.
Now we need your help as we work to build a team of new nurse colleagues. Are you — or do you know — a young RN that:
- Feels passionate about active volunteerism?
- Understands the importance of career networking?
- Desires to expand their professional horizons?
Interested RNs can contact PSNA headquarters at We can’t wait to hear from you!
Event Line Up
Warm Coat Drive — Learn more here.
Who Is Getting ACA Insurance – And Who Isn’t
A story on NPR earlier this week described the “family glitch” in the Affordable Care Act. That’s when people can’t afford their insurance at work but make too much to qualify for subsidies in the new insurance exchanges. Many of these mostly middle-income Americans will remain uninsured.
It also got us wondering, who else is being left out by the health law? And who is getting coverage?
Official government statistics won’t be out until next year, but several other surveys, including one out just this week from the Urban Institute, all agree that between Sept. 2013 and Sept. 2014, the uninsured rate dropped about five percentage points, which is around a third. That translates into about 10 million more people getting health insurance during the year.
That number is considerably larger than the just under seven million people reported to have bought coverage at a health exchange. It includes exchange customers who were already buying their own insurance. They weren’t uninsured, but their plans might have been cancelled or they shopped in the exchanges to get a subsidy. Also, several million got coverage through the Medicaid program in states that opted to expand it. And others got job-based coverage as the economy continued to improve.
A series of surveys looking at who got coverage found the biggest gains have come among groups with large numbers of uninsured people. That includes young adults, who are just starting out in the job market, people of color, people in states that expanded their Medicaid programs, people with lower incomes, and people in rural areas.
Another interesting trend is that the uninsured rate fell more for women than men. That’s a little unexpected because the Medicaid expansion allows low-income men who aren’t parents to qualify for the first time. Women who are pregnant or mothers have long been eligible, so there was a bigger pool of men who could gain coverage.
Who does this leave out?
Several diverse groups. The biggest is probably undocumented immigrants. They are not eligible by law- to purchase coverage in the health exchanges, and in most cases they’re not eligible for Medicaid. President Obama’s executive order from last month didn’t make any new immigrants eligible for health benefits under the ACA.
The next big group is adults with low incomes who aren’t disabled and aren’t parents who live in the 23 states that haven’t expanded the Medicaid program. The law was written to extend Medicaid to all low-income people, so you’re not eligible to buy coverage on the exchanges if your income is under the federal poverty line, which is about $11,700 for an individual this year.
In 2012 the Supreme Court ruled that the Medicaid expansion was optional, and just over half the states have taken the federal government up on its offer to pay nearly all the cost. But several of the states that haven’t – including Texas, Florida, and Georgia – have between them several million people in the Medicaid gap.
Then there are those caught in the so-called family glitch. They’re people who can theoretically afford their own coverage, but coverage for the rest of their family is too expensive. Because of the way the law is written, those family members aren’t eligible for subsidies in the exchanges.
And finally there are people who don’t want coverage and particularly don’t want to be required by the government to buy it, and people who still don’t know they’re supposed to be covered or else they’ll pay a fine next year.
In fact, many of those who remain uncovered won’t have to pay any fines. There are lots of exceptions to the rules for who will have to pay tax penalties for not having coverage. People who are undocumented are exempt, as are people who don’t earn enough to have to file federal income taxes. Also you’re exempt if the least expensive insurance would cost more than 8 percent of your income. Case-by-case exemptions can be given for people who claim financial hardships.
The bottom line is the law was never anticipated to cover everyone but to get the insured rate up around 90 percent.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.