Author Archives: Editor
PA Dept of Health Update
Please see the health alert as provided by the PA Department of Health and pertaining to Acute Neurologic Illness with Focal Limb Weakness of Unknown Etiology in Children. Click here.
Ebola & Nurses: Need to Know
The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest in history currently affecting countries in West Africa. While Ebola does not pose a significant risk to the United States, our nursing colleagues in these countries are courageously providing care for those in need. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the outbreak continues to “evolve in alarming ways, with the severely affected countries struggling to control the escalating outbreak against a backdrop of severely compromised health systems, significant deficits in capacity, and rampant fear.” (WHO Ebola Response Roadmap) ANA is committed to supporting efforts to address this horrific outbreak.
Proton Center Closure Doesn’t Slow New Construction
A proton beam therapy center in Indiana is closing, and insurers are reluctant to cover the expensive treatment for common cancers. But plans for three new proton therapy centers for the D.C. area are still moving forward.
Hospitals React To Proton Therapy Questions
Three hospitals react to KHN’s story on proton therapy with the statements.
New Law In Effect This Week Guarantees Safer Patient Care for Critically Ill Patients
Setting Safe Maximum Patient Limits for Nurses in all Intensive Care Units
MNA Launches TV and Radio Ad Campaign to Raise Public Awareness of the Law
‘The Health Care System Falls Apart When You’re A Complex Patient’
Jeffrey Brenner, a 2014 MacArthur Fellow and executive director of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, is betting that coordinated care for “super utilizer” patients will reduce health costs.
As Payments Database Debuts, Doctors Urge Caution
Consumers can look up their doctors and see if they were paid in any way by the health industry.
Fall Message 2014
HHS pursues detection tests for influenza
HHS pursues detection tests for influenza