Author Archives: Editor
ANA CEO Helps Advise Business Leaders Build Better Health
Win-Win? CVS Joining Forces With Hospitals, Doctors
The pharmaceutical giant’s latest deal is with MedStar Health, in the Washington D.C. area.
New report projects a $5.7 billion drop in hospitals’ uncompensated care costs because of the Affordable Care Act
New report projects a $5.7 billion drop in hospitals’ uncompensated care costs because of the Affordable Care Act
Insurance Brokers Key To Kentucky’s Obamacare Success
More than 40 percent of the people who signed up for insurance on Kynect, Kentucky’s exchange, used an insurance broker.
Celebrate 15 Years of California’s Nurse to Patient Ratios!
Nurses fought long and hard for nurse to patient ratios because nurses care for their patients. Listen as RNs who were directly involved in the struggle for ratios talk about the fight, and the excitement of winning one of the landmark patient gains in the country…and the ONLY patient ratios law in the United States.
Governor Gray Davis signed ratios into law in California in 1999. They were finally implemented in 2004 after a long fight to win safe staffing and quality patient care. Nurses even took on Gov. Schwarzenegger and won. Their story of persistence in the face of adversity is one of the great political tales of our time.
Find out more about CNA/NNOC/NNU’s National Campaign for Safe RN-to-Patient Staffing Ratios.
Help Inspire Future Nurses!
I recently got the awesome opportunity to see actor Kevin Spacey speak — he was hilarious, inspiring, and informative. One of the coolest things he said had to do with helping people that come behind you in your profession. Spacey’s own mentor, the famous Jack Lemmon, told him:
“If you have done well, it’s your responsibility to send the elevator back down.”
What a great sentiment! As a nurse, you obviously care a lot about your profession. You care about patients and the delivery of healthcare, so of course you’d want to help others learn to be great nurses just like you are! Sharing your knowledge with aspiring nurses allows them to learn from your triumphs and mistakes.
Spacey has written that Lemmon taught him “that one of the most satisfying things in the world is helping others learn to do their work.”
Want in on some of that warm, fuzzy, Oscar-winning feel-good energy? Perfect timing, because Travel Nursing Blogs and Medical Solutions would like to ask you to send the elevator back down to aspiring nurses!
Simply record a 30-second or less video sharing any tips, wisdom, or inspiration you have to offer today’s nursing students, then send the video to
Medical Solutions will extend your excellent, expert advice by sharing these video contributions with a group of nursing students at the 12th Annual UC Davis Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions National Conference, October 11-12, 2014.
Nurses like you are truly the experts on what it takes to make it through nursing school, choose a specialty, pass the NCLEX, and launch a successful career in nursing that serves both you as a nurse as well as your patients, their families, and communities.
What do you wish you’d known when you were in nursing school? As Mr. Spacey would advise, send that elevator back on down and help inspire future nurses!
Number Of Marketplace Insurers To Rise 25 Percent, HHS Says
More companies will likely mean more competition and lower prices for consumers, HHS Sec. Sylvia Mathews Burwell said Tuesday.
Insurers Hesitant To Cover Many Proton Beam Therapy Treatments
Supporters of the controversial — and high-priced — therapy say more routine coverage would help propel necessary research.