What great nurse apps do you use?
Technology has had a great impact in healthcare. When apps and other technology can help a nurse be more efficient that just leaves more time for improving other aspects of your already great patient care.
OnlineLPNtoRN.org recently shared a guide to terrific apps for nurses. These nursing apps are great for nurses, nursing students, and especially travel nurses on the go!
The list of 104 great nurse apps is broken down into the following categories:
- General Nursing References
Nurse apps in this category are general and can be of help to working nurses and students alike.
Apps include the American Nurses Association, Black’s Medical Dictionary, Nursing Flashcards, MRSA eGuideline, Nurse Helper, Medical Tools, MyChart, MedCalc, Medical Encyclopedia, Nursing Study Guide, and many, many more.
- Obstetrics/Maternity/Neonatal
This category focuses on apps for obstetrics and neonatal nurses. Apps can be helpful in terms of pregnancy tracking, breastfeeding, safe medication dosages, and more.
Apps include Breastfeeding Management 2, Pregnancy Contraction Timer, NeoDose, Neonatal Nurse, OBGYN Review, and more.
For nurses working with children, these apps include help with consultation, toxicology, and more.
Apps include KidsDoc, PediSTAT, Pediatric Scores, Pedi QuikCalc, and more.
These apps can help nurses manage interactions and conflicts between thousands of medications, helping you perform efficiently and save lives.
Apps include Pill Identifier by Drugs.com, Nursing Drug Handbook, Epocrates, Nurse’s Drug Handbook TR, and more.
Handy reference for working nurses and a great study guide for students!
Apps include Human Anatomy Atlas, Pocket Anatomy, Anatomy 3D – Anatronica, and more.
Excellent reference and study info to help address quick-acting heart trouble.
Apps include Easy ECG, iPacemaker Pro, and more.
References to help keep nurses a great resource for patients with tumors. Having informed answers from a nurse they trust helps make each patient’s journey easier.
Apps include Oncology Visual Medical Dictionary, Smartest Oncologist, and Annals of Oncology,
- General Planning/Organization
Who couldn’t use a little more help getting organized?!
Apps include Evernote, Rounds List, INRIX Traffic, Maps & Alerts, and more.
Click here to check out the full list of great nurse apps.
What are some of your favorite great nurse apps? Please share them in the comments!