Author Archives: Editor
Reminder: Vote Nurse Leaders to “100 Most Influential” List
REMINDER: Vote ANA and ANCC Leaders to “100 Most Influential” List
Community Based Health Care Heads to Governor’s Desk
The Pennsylvania State Senate has passed Senate Bill 5 – the Community Based Health Care Act. PSNA was successful in having Certified Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Certified Nurse Anesthetists and Certified Nurse Midwives inserted into the bills definitions in order for those APRNs to receive funding through the grant process.
This bill now heads to the Governor’s desk where we expect him to sign it into law. Thank you to our members that wrote, called and advocated on behalf of this important piece of legislation.
Be MNA! Run for Statewide Elected Office
![]() Candidate Forms Are DueJune 15. |
MNA members, be involved in making decisions and directly working towards advancing the goals and mission of MNA as established by the House of Delegates.
Submit your name for one of the many elected offices listed on the Call for Candidates Form. Many different opportunities are available that could reflect your passion – from collective bargaining and organizational governance, to education and practice-specific work or governmental affairs.
Nominations for the offices listed on page 1 of the MNA Call for Candidates Form will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on June 15, 2013.
You must sign the form and submit via one of the following methods:
- Mail or bring to the MNA office 345 Randolph Avenue #200, St. Paul, MN 55102
- Fax 651-695-7000
- E-Mail
The Call for Candidates Form is located on the Member Portal and may be completed on line, but then must be printed out, signed, and returned by one of the above methods. You can also download all forms and explanations from the Spring 2013 issue of the Minnesota Nursing Accent, here.
In accordance with the MNA Board of Directors policy (also available on the Member Portal), there will be no write-in candidates on the ballot.
If you have any questions regarding the election, please contact either Samantha Riazi or Julie Kinsel.
The election timeline has changed since the last election cycle. Please make note of the dates.
June 15 | Deadline to submit Call for Candidate Forms | |
July 15 | The Election Committee will submit a ballot to the MNA President by this date and a sample ballot will be publicized to membership on the MNA website. | |
Oct. 15 | Ballots sent out via U.S. Postal Service First Class to allow for the election to take place in November per MNA Bylaws | |
Nov. 15 | Deadline for election ballots to be received | |
December | All elected MNA Board members and Commissioners will be notified as soon as election results are known. All other elected candidates will be notified after the Official Teller’s Report is made public on the MNA website | |
Jan. 1, 2014 | Newly elected assume office. |
Spread the Word: Support the UMass Nurses in Their Strike for Safe Staffing; Reject Overtures by Scab Agency Looking for Replacement Nurses;
As the 2,000 courageous nurses at UMass Memorial Medical Center prepare for a one-day strike for safer staffing levels to protect their patients on May …
Spread the Word: Support the UMass Nurses in Their Strike for Safe Staffing; Reject Overtures by Scab Agency Looking for Replacement Nurses; Reject Overtures by Scab Agency Looking for Replacement Nurses
As the 2,000 courageous nurses at UMass Memorial Medical Center prepare for a one-day strike for safer staffing levels to protect their patients on May …
Interested in Obtaining a BSN? Join us for an Information Session on June 18
At the 2012 MNA Convention, the membership voted to investigate the feasibility of BSN education for MNA members. Join us for an informational session on June 1…