Author Archives: Editor
Sign White House Petition to Remove Barriers to APRN Practice
“A HUGE DAY” Rep. Keith Ellison, on reintroduction of the Inclusive Prosperity Act, H.R. 1579
“This is a huge day,” Rep. Keith Ellison announced Wednesday at a press conference within view of the Capitol, referring to legislation he reintroduced for a Wall Street Tax with huge purpose.
Take, for example, this passage from the bill’s “Findings.”
“The global crisis cost Americans $19 trillion in lost wealth….American citizens provided the money to stabilize the financial sector…. The global financial crisis, along with wars, unabated and unaddressed climate change, unsustainable tax cuts, and a continuing unemployment crisis, if unaddressed, will deprive a generation of a meaningful role in the larger economy.”
Inclusive Prosperity Act, H.R. 1579, Sec. 2.
Ellison’s bill is attracting support from more members of Congress—Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Judy Chu (D-CA), John Conyers (D-MI), Barbara Lee (D-CA), James McGovern (D-MA) and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).
Calling the legislation “remarkable” and “bold,” Rep. Barbara Lee told the press conference that HR 1579 would address “out-of-control tactics” on Wall Street and would “lead to critical investments for our future—in health and development assistance.”
H.R. 1579 would levy a small sales tax on trading of stocks, bonds, derivates and other instruments. Brokers carrying out the trades would be charged the tax, unless carried out directly by investors. Households with adjusted gross incomes under $75,000 would be exempted. Supporters say the bill would bring real and enduring recovery to Main Street. It also aims to put a brake on high-speed computer trading, avoid bubbles that destabilize markets and sideline capital, and lower costs of essentials, like fuel and food, whose price spikes are linked to speculative trading.
“High-frequency trades are carried out at ‘blinding speeds,’” said Wallace Turbeville, former Goldman Sachs investment banker and a senior fellow at Demos, “to the point where 50, 60 or 70 percent are done by ‘robo-traders.’ This does not give value to the economy, it damages it.”
Phots from the press conference.
“Wall Street speculation has become a house of cards, a game of computer-driven bets on bets, far removed from real-world investments in real economic activity,” wrote Ralph Nader in a statement of support for Ellison’s bill.
“We have all seen the enormous outpouring of support for a financial transaction tax in this country,” said Jean Ross, RN, co-president of NNU, the nation’s largest nurses’ organization. “The Ellison bill has our strongest support and the backing of millions of members in organizations that endorse Robin Hood – because it would move the country away from austerity, and all the harm that entails, and raise revenue on the scale needed to rebuild the communities still suffering from the financial collapse of 2008.”
George Goehl, executive director, National People’s Action, thanked Rep. Ellison for his “courage” and for pushing back against “awful austerity.” Goehl said that polls indicate that 62 percent of the public support an FTT. “We have a revenue crisis in America,” said Goehl, “but the good news is that we know where the money is. It’s not in grandma’s social security check, it’s not in our children’s classroom, and it’s not in the pockets of working class families. It’s on Wall Street.”
“The United States has made a commitment to invest in the end of AIDS. Yet, with our current budget crisis this will be impossible, unless we join all of the other major financial markets and implement a Robin Hood Tax. There is no reason not to do this,” said Jennifer Flynn of Health GAP. “It’s common sense legislation.”
Erich Pica, of Friends of the Earth, also spoke, expressing support for Ellison’s bill in behalf of his organization’s 150,000 members and its goal to address “uncontrolled climate change.” He asked, “Does the U.S. have the political will for adaptation that has to occur?”
“We have an FTT at the gates of Congress,” said Bobby Tolbert of VOCAL-NY. “With a tiny tax on Big Banks, we can invest in our future by creating jobs, protecting healthcare and solving crises like the HIV/AIDS epidemic and climate change. It’s the minimal endowment owed by corporate America.”
Standards of Care Act Passes MN House
The Standards of Care Act (HF588) passed the full Minnesota House of Representatives 73-58 earlier this afternoon. There was bipartisan support for our bill to require the Department of Health to study the correlation between staffing and patient outcomes and hospitals to report their staffing quarterly to the public. Can you take a moment to thank our author and champion Representative Joe Atkins? He has gone to the mat for nurses over and over again because he believes us when we say there is a patient safety crisis in Minnesota. His email is

Rep. Joe Atkins (DFL-Inver Grove Heights) passed the Standards of Care Act out of the Minnesota House Wednesday
The bill still has to clear one more committee in the Senate. That hearing has not yet been scheduled.
We can’t rest yet. We need to reach out to members of the Senate who are still undecided on the bill. Even if you have already contacted your state senator, please reach out again. If you haven’t already, tell your senator why we need to address staffing in Minnesota hospitals and ask for their support.
Contact your state senator today to ask for support of strong consumer transparency language, nurse staffing reporting and a comprehensive study that gathers real data about the correlation between staffing and health outcomes.
Click here to use the MNA Grassroots Action Center to send an email.
Let your senator know:
· That you’re a nurse
· Why it is important to shine a light on the correlation between staffing and health outcomes
· Why better nurse staffing matters to you and your patients
CDC Health Alert
TUBERSOL®, a product of Sanofi Pasteur Limited, is in shortage nationwide until at least the end of May 2013. TUBERSOL® is one of two purified-protein derivative (PPD) tuberculin products that are licensed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The manufacturer notified CDC that 50-dose vials of TUBERSOL® are unavailable and that the supplies of 10-dose vials will be limited. This notice advises public health officials, clinicians, and workers in occupational health and infection control about how to adapt to the shortage.
MNA NewsScan, April 17, 2013: Nurse crisis in NY; Hospitals profit from errors
Nurse Crisis in New York Despite an increase in candidates, the State Nursing Association said hospitals aren’t hiring. In the end, it is hurting patients. State Assemblyman Richard Gottfried is the sponsor of the State Staffing Bill.
Hospitals Lobby Hard for Medicaid Expansion With billions of dollars at stake, hospitals are lobbying hard for Medicaid expansion in Columbus, Tallahassee and other state capitals where state legislators oppose the extension of the program to some 17 million Americans.
ANA Urges Passage of Legislation to Reduce Gun Violence
Department of Public Health to Hold Public Hearing April 19 On the Proposed Closure of a 13-bed Pediatric Unit at Steward Morton Hospital in Taunton
Opponents to the Closing Will Present Testimony Detailing the Devastating Impact the Loss of this Service Will Have on the Vulnerable Children…
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ANA to Release New Poetry Book for Nurses in Time for National Nurses Week
ANA Leadership Institute Webinar Series Now Available
Register for ANA Leadership Institute webinar series today.