Author Archives: Editor
Your Future as a Nurse
The Pennsylvania Nursing Congress on Practice, Education, & Policy will meet on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at Central Penn College. The theme for the April meeting is “The Pennsylvania Action Coalition: Your Future as a Nurse.” This presentation provides a perspective on the 2010 Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Through interactive exercises, participants will be challenged to delineate changes they forecast as required to enhance nursing’s contributions to improving the health status of PA. Registration is required ($22 PSNA members, $25 non-members). One and one-half (1.5) contact hours will be awarded. Access the event flyer here.
Grant to Transform Health Care
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) announced that Pennsylvania will be one of only 20 states to be part of a new $3 million initiative, the Future of Nursing State Implementation Program. The program is designed to help states prepare the nursing profession to address our nation’s most pressing health care challenges — access, quality and cost.
Diminished Patient Protection Forces Nurses at Steward Quincy Medical Center to Call For One-Day Strike on April 11
Editor’s Note: Follow this link to view a detailed report on the patient safety crisis at Quincy Medical Center…
MNA NewsScan, April 1, 2013: RN fatigue pervasive and harmful to patients
Fatigue is Pervasive in the Health Care Industry; Directly Linked to On-the-job Errors Sixty-nine percent of healthcare professionals surveyed said that fatigue had caused them to feel concern over their ability to perform during work hours. Even more alarmingly, nearly 65 percent of participants reported they had almost made an error at work because of fatigue and more than 27 percent acknowledged that they had actually made an error resulting from fatigue.
PA Considers Nursing by the Numbers A pair of Democratic state lawmakers have introduced bills in both the House and Senate that would mandate a minimum number of registered nurses-to-patient ratio at all hospitals in the state. The concept has been embraced by nursing unions but is not being warmly received by hospitals and related organizations.
Overpayment for Minnesota Medicaid Raises Serious Concerns David Feinwachs, the health care insider who blew the whistle on Medicaid spending, tells 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS it is “time the government goes after the excess profits” from the four insurance companies that run the state’s Medicaid program.
Is Sanford Deal in Minnesota’s Best Interests? But if a merger between South Dakota-based Sanford Health and Twin Cities-based Fairview Health Services, which owns and operates the U’s teaching hospital as well as other major metro hospitals, is a serious possibility, Minnesotans deserve to be informed and to weigh in. Note: Attorney General Lori Swanson has scheduled a Public Hearing for Thurs. April 7, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 15 of the State Capitol. More details here.
Access to Medicaid Reduces Mortality Rates Research shows a strong connection between mortality rates and insurance status: The uninsured are more likely to have poor health and higher mortality rates than those with insurance.
New Study Finds Record Level of Disengaged Workers The working stiffs, whose productivity skyrocketed as wages stagnated in recent years, aren’t buying management’s shtick.
Quincy Medical Center Nurses’ Briefing Paper on the Patient Safety Crisis Caused by Cerberus-Steward Health Care
About this Document
Among the contributors to this paper are RNs who themselves were born at Quincy Medical Center (QMC), whose children were born at QMC, whos…
Great Editorial by a Morton Hospital Nurse in the Taunton Gazette in Support of Saving the Hospital’s Pediatric Unit
Check out this amazing op ed written by Morton Hospital pediatric nurse Shauna Crawley Spillane, which was published in the Taunton Gazette. The p…
NURSE TALK RADIO: Win for Chicago RNs and National Nurses United!
Coming Up on Nurse Talk Radio
Listen and share the NNU segment:
LISTEN: Collective Bargaining Win for Nurses and Patients in Chicago
Featuring Chicago RN, Monica Lloyd
Podcast: Download | Embed (Duration: 11:52 — 16.3MB)
Press Release-Minnesota Nurses Welcome Swanson’s Inquiry into Hospital Merger
Nurses support Attorney General Review of Sanford-Fairveiw
(St. Paul) – March 28, 2013 – The Minnesota Nurses Association welcomes Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson’s inquiry into the possible merger of Sanford Health and Fairview Health Services and the continued corporatization of healthcare in Minnesota. Investigators need to continue to look into the effects that big corporations are having on Minnesota patients.
“We congratulate Lori Swanson for having the courage to examine any deal that further puts the operation of more Minnesota hospitals into the hands of fewer corporations,” said Walt Frederickson, RN, MNA Executive Director. “It’s time to hit the brakes on hospital mergers until we can determine what’s best for the state and especially its patients.”
Sanford and Fairview are reportedly in talks to merge, which would put the Fairview-run University of Minnesota Medical Center and the state research hospital under the control of a South Dakota company. Fairview’s Board of Directors will reportedly discuss the merger at a retreat starting April 8, 2013.
“Considering it took more than a year to accept Fairview’s acquisition of the University hospital,” Frederickson said, “it’s entirely appropriate and necessary for the A-G’s office to start public hearings on April 7. If this deal gets fast-tracked, it will be the people and patients of Minnesota who may be met with an unhappy surprise.”
As nurses previously warned during the Park Nicollet-HealthPartners merger, one size does not fit all, and any deal that impacts patients deserves close scrutiny. Especially when a deal involves tax dollars and a non-profit/for-profit relationship, then that deal deserves a microscope.
Nurses have long warned that focus on the bottom-line has cost them patient care hours and impacted patient outcomes. The concerns that hospital care had turned to a production-line process led 12,000 union nurses to walk off the job for a day in 2010. Today those fears continue to materialize. If such simple costs as staffing are cut to meet the demands of a spreadsheet, then the investment of research and medical training will be subject to the same cost-benefit analysis. What’s different here is the investment in Minnesota’s medical professionals pays off by the decade, not the fiscal year, as more than 70 percent of doctors in the state are trained here and Minnesota continues to employ tens of thousands of other medical device and health care workers.
“The state and the citizens of Minnesota have faithfully invested into the research and education at the University of Minnesota,” Frederickson said, “and we believe these resources need to stay in the control of Minnesotans. Nurses will continue to monitor and assist in the process in any way we can.”
Save the Date and Plan to Attend a DPH Public Hearing on the Proposed Closure of the Steward Morton Hospital Pediatric Unit on April 19th at 2 p.m. at the Taunton Public Library!!!!
Save the Date and Plan to Attend a DPH Public Hearing on the Proposed Closure of the Steward Morton Hospital Pediatric Unit on April 19th at 2 p.m. at the Taunt…