Author Archives: Editor
Standards of Care Act Update
Last Friday, MNA, in consultation with our legislative allies, agreed to amend the Standards of Care Act to create a procedure which will provide Minnesota-specific data on issues of nurse staffing transparency as it relates to patient outcomes. We agreed to language in the House with an understanding that we would work on adding more detail with respect to reporting requirements.
We learned that legislators had too many questions about the staffing situation, and not enough hard data specific to Minnesota hospitals. So we shifted our focus to a framework that would improve transparency by requiring hospitals to report their staffing on a quarterly basis. MNA took our proposed staffing standards out of the bill in order to improve our chances at creating the most robust reporting system reflecting real nursing hours per patient day.
National Institute on Drug Abuse Request for Information Closes March 30
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Request for Information (RFI) Closes March 30, 2013
MNA Legislative Update, March 16, 2013
Standards of Care Update
The Standards of Care Act, our bill to establish patient assignments limits, had its third hearing today in the House Health and Human Services Policy committee. The bill passed with amendments, despite serious objections from the hospitals. As amended, the bill has a narrower focus than its original version, but a delivers a victory for patients and nurses by laying a strong foundation for documenting the crisis of patient risk in Minnesota that nurses witness every day. In fact, Committee Chair Rep. Tina Liebling of Rochester offered a strong endorsement of MNA’s concerns when she stated “there is broad agreement that there is a problem.”
Biographical Data for 2013 Election of AaNA-BOD
Election Ballots in the mail. Check here for biographical data of candidates.
Press Release: Standard of Care Act moves on
New Amendments empower patients, require hospital reporting
(St. Paul) – March 15, 2013 – The Standards of Care Act passed the Minnesota House Health and Human Services Policy Committee with amendments. Negotiations between the Minnesota Nurses Association and the Minnesota Hospital Association resulted in an agreement that recognizes the crisis of patient safety and creates a plan to add transparency to patient care.
“It’s the consumers of health care that really benefit from this,” said Walt Frederickson, RN, MNA Executive Director. Right now this data has been non-existent to us and the public.”
During a brief recess of the committee, the nurses union suggested that hospitals would report online the actual direct patient care hours for regulators as well as consumers to examine. The data would also go to the state Department of Health to conduct a study of staffing levels and how that correlates to patient outcomes. Despite previous protests that the reporting would be onerous, the hospital association agreed to the change.
“The amendment is a win for patients who want accountability and serves as a foundation for solving the patient care crisis that everyone recognizes-the chair, the hospitals, and especially the nurses,” Frederickson said.
Rep. Tina Liebling (DFL-Rochester), committee chair, quickly put up the amendment for a vote and acknowledged, “there’s broad agreement we need to do something in this area.”
Now the Standards of Care Act moves to the Minnesota Senate. Sponsor Sen. Jeff Hayden (DFL-Minneapolis) takes his bill to the Senate Health, Human Services, and Housing Committee hearing on Monday, March 18.
Media Coverage
- Pioneer Press Bill Seeks to Study on Nurse-to-Patient Ratios
- MPR: Deal on Nurse Staffing?
- Star Tribune: Union Reaches Compromise with Twin Cities Hospitals Over Staffing Legislation
Substance Use Disorder: Implications for Nurses
MNA’s Ethics Committee presents
Substance Use Disorder: Implications for Nurses
Addressing Substance Use Disorder on Our Own Units
Thursday, April 18, 2013 8:45 – 4:00 p.m.
It could be you or a colleague, but it is likely within your career that you will be challenged by Substance Use Disorder. It is a growing crisis.
Nurse Survey
Nurses are invited to take a short online survey that will influence PSNA’s member benefits, guide our strategic plan and focus on better meeting the needs of Pennsylvania’s nurses. Complete it for a chance to win a $25 gift card. We thank you for your participation! Click here.