MNA Endorses Stephen Lynch for U.S. Senate Seat in Special Election
Cites His Commitment to Issues Important to Nurses and Other Workers, Quali…
Author Archives: Editor
CE Opportunity: STD Update with Optional Clinical Practicum
The STD Update, presented by the Seattle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center will be held in Anchorage on May 22 & 23 from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. This STD Update course provides participants with training the most recent advancements in the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of viral and baterial STDs and has an optional clinical practicum. 13.5 contact hours will be awarded. Please see the attached flyer or visit for more information and to register for this event!
Nurses Oppose the KXL Pipeline – and All of Labor Should Too
Noticeably absent from President Obama’s “fix-it-first” program for rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure, highlighted in his State of the Union speech, is, so far, the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline project. Let’s keep it that way.
There’s heavy pressure from the fossil fuel industry, the politicians they influence, conservative Canadian interests, and some construction unions in the U.S. for the pipeline. But it’s not just the President’s decision. It’s up to all of us to put the pipeline in mothballs and leave the heavy tar sands crude oil in the ground.
National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses, has joined with a growing climate movement, many ranchers and farmers, First Nations leaders, most Canadian unions, several other U.S. unions such as transport and domestic workers unions, and young people rightfully alarmed over the ecological impact to oppose Keystone XL.
Nurses already see patients sickened by the adverse effects of pollution and infectious diseases with a worrisome rise in asthma, respiratory and heart ailments, and premature death linked to air pollutants and the spread of water and food borne pathogens associated with environmental contaminants.
Now add in Keystone XL. First, extracting tar sands is more complex than conventional oil drilling, requiring vast amounts of water and chemicals. The discharge accumulates in highly toxic waste ponds and risks entering water sources that may end up in drinking water, problems already occurring.
Second, the corrosive liquefied bitumen form of crude the pipeline would carry is especially susceptible to leaks that can spill into farmland, water aquifers and rivers on route. Following the rupture of a pipeline near Marshall, Mi in 2010 state officials found more than half the residents in communities along the Kalamazoo River reported respiratory ailments and other symptoms.
Then there’s the broader consequences of a project NASA scientist James Hansen calls “the biggest carbon bomb on the planet” and climate change activist Bill McKibben says would nearly double the atmosphere’s concentration of carbon dioxide if all the oil in those tar sands is burned.
Carbon emissions are a major factor in intensifying climate change. Higher air temperatures, for example, can increase bacteria-related food poisoning, such as salmonella, and animal-borne diseases like the West Nile virus.
And that’s just the proverbial tip of the melting iceberg considering the devastation that will come with rising sea levels, intensified “weather events” like droughts, fires, floods and storms, mass dislocation of coastal populations and mass starvation that may well be the legacy of our failure to address climate change.
Public health costs from fossil fuel production in the U.S. through contaminants in our air, rivers, lakes, oceans, and food supply today are pegged at more than $120 billion every year by the National Academy of Sciences. The Environmental Protection Agency has concluded that exposure to particulate matter emitted from fossil fuel plants is a cause of heart attacks, breathing difficulty, and long term respiratory illness including asthma, and reproductive, developmental, and cancer outcomes.
Some unions, desperate for needed jobs in a persistent recession that continues to plague American families, are lobbying for Keystone XL. But it’s like harvesting for fools gold.
The actual number of jobs that will be created is far less than has been claimed by the industry and its allies, and the U.S. State Department has now conceded that once the project is built, the number of people needed to operate and maintain the pipeline may be as few as 20.
As fossil fuel production has become more capital intensive, employment in the sector has fallen, according to a 2012 report by the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Environment Program. In the U.S., for example, coal production has increased by one-third since the 1980s, but employment has fallen by 50 percent.
Far more jobs would be created by converting to a green economy, notes economist Robert Pollin in his book “Back to Full Employment.” Every $1 million spent on renewable clean energy sources, he calculates, creates 16.8 jobs, compared to just 5.2 jobs created by the same spending on fossil fuel production.
And union members families too are exposed to the health risks of the tar sands production and transport, as well as the devastating effects of climate change.
Finally, stumping for the Pipeline puts labor in league with the most anti-union, socially and politically regressive corporate interests in the U.S., such as the oil billionaire Koch Brothers, the American Petroleum Institute, and other energy corporations generally, abetted by the rightwing politicians who carry their agenda.
The future for labor should not be scrambling for elusive crumbs thrown down by corporate partners, but advocating for the larger public interest, the reputation labor deservedly earned in the 1930s and 1940s, the period of labor’s greatest growth and the resulting emergence of a more egalitarian society. Today labor should be on that path again, uniting with the very coalition of those opposing the Pipeline and working to rein in the frightening consequences of climate change the Pipeline would hasten.
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MNA/NNU Makes Strong Case at Health Policy Commission Hearing for a Clear Definition of Emergency Under New Mandatory Overtime Law
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The Outlook for Nurse Employment in America in 2013
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Protecting nurses from workplace violence in Montana

Montana State Rep. Kathy Swanson, Sponsor of HB 269
Reports and surveys by the American Nurses Association, the Emergency Nurses Association and the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that workplace violence is widespread in the healthcare sector. In an attempt to address the problem, thirty-eight state legislatures have enacted laws that enhance criminal charges and penalties for those who assault nurses and other healthcare workers. These are similar to the criminal statutes that exist in nearly every state that provide for enhanced penalties for those who assault police officers and other public servants. Yet there are still a dozen states that don’t have such laws to protect healthcare workers. In some of those states there are enhanced penalties for assaults against sports officials (such as baseball umpires and basketball referees) but no enhanced penalties for assaulting a nurse, doctor or other healthcare worker. One state that has yet to enact a law to deter workplace violence against healthcare workers is Montana.
Last December, the Montana Nurses Association and Montana State House Representative Kathy Swanson decided to change that with the introduction of Montana House Bill No. 269 (“An Act Creating The Offense Of Assault On A Health Care Provider Or Emergency Responder; And Providing Penalties”).
In a letter to the editor published yesterday, Don Judge from the Montana Nurses Association reiterated some of the reasons for the legislation:
HB 269 is simply a law designed to protect healthcare workers from vicious assault in their workplace. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, over 500,000 nurses are violently assaulted in their workplace every year! Workplace violence against healthcare workers ranks no. 1 with over 50 percent of all workplace assaults occurring in healthcare situations. This situation is especially bad in Emergency Rooms where fully 54.8 percent of nurses surveyed reported being assaulted at work in the last seven days.
Montana is not immune from such assaults, at least three nurses in our state received injuries from workplace assaults last year which will likely prevent them from ever returning to their chosen occupation. HB 269 recognizes this problem and creates a separate offence of assaulting a healthcare worker.
A hearing on the bill was held on January 31, 2013. There were a number of objections to the bill by the American Civil Liberties Union and advocates for the disabled and mentally ill. On February 7, 2013, the bill was tabled by the Judiciary Committee of the Montana House of Representatives. It is likely to be reintroduced with amendments to satisfy some of the concerns raised.
Here are some video excerpts from the hearing:
Kathy Swanson introduces Montana HB 269
Montana nurse Rebecca Sturdevant on Montana HB 269
Nurses speak out in support of Montana HB 269
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Alaska’s SHARP Program: Healthcare Practitioner Loan Repayment
This is notification of a new Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) loan repayment & direct incentive opportunity for selected healthcare practitioners in state fiscal year 2013 and onward. This notice regards Alaska’s SHARP program, now in its third year of operation by the State of Alaska, the purpose of which is to recruit and retain healthcare professionals to serve in DHSS-designated healthcare service shortage areas in exchange for the repayment of qualifying education loans &/or payment of direct incentive, pursuant to a signed SHARP memorandum of agreement with the State of Alaska.