WASHINGTON – Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell and Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced today a nationwide sweep led by the Medicare Fraud Strike Force in 17 districts, resulting in charges against 243 individuals, including 46 doctors, nurses and other licensed medical professionals, for their alleged participation in Medicare fraud schemes involving approximately $712 million in false billings.
Author Archives: Editor
Massachusetts study shows RNs are overloaded
Too many patients harmed or dead due to understaffing
In conjunction with the beginning of National Nurses Week, a new study of registered nursed in Massachusetts released May 6 by the MassachusettsNurses Association establishes that hospital administrators are assigning too many patients to registered nurses, resulting in significant harm and even death for patients. According to the survey, more than eight in 10 registered nurses report that the quality of patient care in Massachusetts hospitals is suffering because hospital administrators are requiring nurses to care for too many patients at once, and six in 10 RNs report that staffing decisions are driven by administrators’ desire for increased profits, with devastating results for their patients:
Some report highlights include:
- Alarmingly, one in four nurses (25 percent) report patient deaths directly attributable to having too many patients to care for at one time and the same number report they wouldn’t feel safe admitting their own family member to the unit on which they work
- 50 percent report injury and harm to patients due to understaffing
- 56 percent report readmission of patients due to unsafe patient assignments
- 61 percent report medication errors due to unsafe patient assignments
- 61 percent report complications for patients due to unsafe patient assignments
- 81 percent report RNs don’t have the time to educate patients and provide adequate discharge planning
- 86 percent report RNs don’t have the time to properly comfort and care for patients and families due to unsafe patient assignments
The release of this state-wide data on the impact of unsafe patient assignments for nurses on patient mortality follows a similar report in 2014, with this year’s results showing an increase in the rate of negative patient outcomes and a continued deterioration in the quality and safety of patient care in Massachusetts hospitals, particularly in the state’s community hospitals.
“These findings provide an indictment of our system of hospital care in Massachusetts and shine the light on the really dangerous situation for our patients who are being forced to share their nurse with too many other patients at one time, which is resulting in more of them suffering totally preventable complications, medical errors, costly readmissions and, yes, even death for lack of proper care, attention and monitoring from registered nurses,” said Donna Kelly-Williams, RN, president of the Massachusetts Nurses Association and a staff nurse on the maternity unit at Cambridge Health Alliance. “As the nation and many employers look to National Nurses Week to recognize the contributions of its nurses, in releasing these findings we nurses are pushing our own call button for help, in this case from the Legislature who has the opportunity to address this crisis by passing legislation to ensure safe patient assignments for nurses and ensure quality patient care.”
Earlier this year, 85 Massachusetts legislators joined lead sponsors Sen. Marc Pacheco and state Rep. Denise Garlick as cosponsors to the Patient Safety Act, legislation filed by the Massachusetts Nurses Association that will dramatically improve patient safety by establishing a maximum limit on the number of patients assigned to a nurse at one time, while also requiring hospitals to adjust nurses’ patient assignments based on the specific needs of the patients.
This new survey ofMassachusetts nurses was commissioned by the Massachusetts Nurses Association and conducted between April 10 and 16 by Anderson Robbins Research, an independent research firm headquartered in Boston. The 2015 survey respondents were all nurses currently working in Massachusetts randomly selected from a complete file of the 92,000 nurses registered with the Massachusetts Board ofRegistration in Nursing. Fully 61 percent of the respondents have no affiliation with the MNA.
How Four Words In Huge Health Law Divide The Supreme Court
The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to issue a decision this month in a case that could again threaten a key aspect of President Barack Obama’s health law.
But this time around, unlike three years ago when the court rejected a constitutional challenge to the law’s individual mandate, the case, King v. Burwell, focuses primarily on statutory interpretation.
The issue is whether section 36B means what it seems to say if read literally and in isolation from the rest of the law: that Affordable Care Act subsidies are available only to people “enrolled … through an exchange established by the state.”
And the different interpretations have proven dicey — so much so that each side in the case is having trouble explaining away the evidence supporting the contrary position.
Solicitor General Donald Verrilli and other defenders of the subsidies have failed to suggest any very plausible reason — other than sloppy draftsmanship, on which Verrilli has not much relied — why Congress said “established by the state” if it intended that subsidies also be available in the federally established exchange.
On the other hand, ACA opponents who read “established by the state” literally have produced little evidence that the law’s drafters deliberately and quietly planted in an obscure subclause the words that could become the seeds of the law’s destruction.
Plaintiffs in the case suggest that the drafters inserted these four words in order to pressure states to establish their own exchanges. But the legislative history offers scant evidence of this intent. And the three dozen states in question either failed to notice or disregarded it.
How these explanations sway the justices — or at least five of them — will determine whether the language drafted by Congress means that nearly 6.4 million low-and-middle-income people are not eligible for the overhaul’s tax subsidies because they live in a state that chose to rely on the federal government’s healthcare.gov, rather than establish its own online insurance marketplace. The subsidies make insurance affordable to many of the people who seek Obamacare coverage because they don’t get health coverage through their employers.
If the court rules that the subsidies are available only in states — mostly blue — that established their own exchanges, insurance markets in the other three dozen or so states might collapse. Unless Congress or the states reliant on healthcare.gov were to move fast to limit the damage, few people in those states would buy individual insurance. Those who did would likely have health problems and premiums would soar.
Many ACA opponents say that section 36B “means what it says,” as conservative Justice Antonin Scalia implied at the March 4 oral argument, even if the wording “may not be the statute [Congress] intended” and even assuming that it might “produce disastrous consequences.”
To the contrary, say Verrilli and other supporters, the law’s overall text, structure, design and history make clear that Congress intended to make subsidies available in all 50 states. They say the challengers’ interpretation would defeat the law’s purpose of making health insurance widely affordable. The Internal Revenue Service came to the same conclusion in an interpretive rule, to which Verrilli argued the justices should defer if in doubt.
As in 2012, the stakes in King v. Burwell are so high that Obama has made it clear that he would attack any decision that would cripple the health law as legally indefensible and politically motivated.
“[T]his should be an easy case,” Obama said June 8. “Frankly, it probably shouldn’t even have been taken up … based on a twisted interpretation of four words. … I’m optimistic that the Supreme Court will play it straight.” The next day, he added (without specific reference to the court) that “it seems so cynical to want to take health care away from millions of people.”
These shots across the court’s bow came even though Scalia and Justice Samuel Alito had strongly suggested during the argument that they would vote against the administration’s position.
Alito also suggested the possibility of delaying until 2016 the effective date of any decision against the administration. Such a delay, he said, would give the states and Congress time to avoid the disruption that would be caused if the court ruled the premium subsidies now available in the three-dozen states using healthcare.gov are illegal.
Justice Clarence Thomas, who was silent as usual during the arguments, is expected to vote with Scalia and Alito. The four liberal justices — Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — seemed poised to line up with Obama. So the president will win if either Chief Justice John Roberts or Justice Anthony Kennedy sides with him.
While Kennedy’s vote is still up in the air, ACA supporters were cheered by his assertion to the lawyer challenging the subsidies that “there’s a serious constitutional problem if we adopt your argument.” Kennedy reasoned that the states are being unconstitutionally “coerced” if, as the challengers argue, the law requires them either to establish their own exchanges or see their residents disqualified from the subsidies.
The only way to avoid constitutional problems, suggested Kennedy, may be to resolve any ambiguities in Obama’s favor. This seemed inconsistent with the suggestions by Scalia, Alito and the challengers that the relevant language is free of ambiguity and without constitutional problems.
Roberts was sphinxlike during the argument in King v. Burwell. The case puts him in an unenviable position.
When Roberts stunned court-watchers by joining the four liberal justices and upholding the individual mandate in the 2012 decision, National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, he was bitterly assailed by his usual allies — Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas and Alito — and was called a traitor by many other conservatives.
This barrage was intensified by a well-sourced news report that Roberts had initially voted to strike down the individual mandate and changed his mind — provoking a huge battle inside the court — after liberals led by Obama had preemptively denounced any decision to strike down the law as politically motivated, conservative “judicial activism.”
The conservative denunciations of Roberts will be even more bitter if he sides with Obama this time, too. On the other hand, if Roberts votes with the other four Republican appointees to gut the Democratic president’s signature accomplishment, it will feed the kind of attacks that the chief justice dreads on the Roberts court’s conservative majority as a bunch of robed politicians.
Looking to the future, a ruling against Obama could be extremely awkward politically for Republican members of Congress, presidential candidates and officials in the mostly red, affected states, even though it might be cheered (at least initially) by Republican voters.
In this scenario, the president and other Democrats would immediately demand that Republicans help them save the subsidies of millions of people at risk of losing their health insurance, by adopting new legislation.
Some Republicans say this would be an opportunity to extract compromises from Obama such as more choices for consumers – especially less expensive, less comprehensive health insurance options; the elimination of the mandate to buy insurance; or restrictions on medical malpractice lawsuits.
Others predict a humiliating and internally divisive Republican cave-in to avoid being blamed for the “disastrous consequences” that Justice Scalia hypothesized.
Whatever the outcome, the chief justice, in his tenth year on the Court, is in for a long, hot summer.
Stuart Taylor Jr. is a Washington writer, lawyer and Brookings nonresident senior fellow.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
State Auditor Slams California’s Oversight Of Medi-Cal Plans Used By 9 Million
California health officials failed to ensure that more than 9 million residents enrolled in Medi-Cal managed care plans had access to doctors when they needed them, the state auditor said in a stinging report Tuesday. Health officials might have learned about those problems from calls to an ombudsman’s office – but thousands went unanswered every month.
Among the report’s findings:
Incorrect or missing data on provider networks meant that state health officials had no idea if the plans had sufficient doctors and specialists, or if patients got the care they needed.
An average of 12,500 calls to the program’s ombudsman went unanswered each month for nearly a year, frustrating patients’ efforts to resolve problems.
Provider directories for three health plans – Health Net in Los Angeles County, Anthem Blue Cross in Fresno County and Partnership HealthPlan of California in Solano County – contained inaccurate or outdated information, ranging from incorrect telephone numbers for providers to listings for providers who no longer participated.
Overall, state officials failed to verify insurers’ information about their networks of doctors and hospitals.
The audit’s findings come as little surprise to health advocates, who have called attention to these problems as California shifted millions of Medi-Cal recipients from traditional fee-for-service care which enabled enrollees to see most Medi-Cal providers, into managed care programs with prescribed networks of doctors and hospitals.
About 76 percent of the 12.2 million adults and children receiving Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program, were enrolled in managed care programs as of March 2015.
Eligibility for Medi-Cal, the state-federal health program for the poor, expanded under the Affordable Care Act. Since last year, more than 3.5 million enrollees signed up for the first time. Nearly one in three Californians now receive coverage through the program.
“The audit confirms longstanding concerns about issues of oversight of Medicaid managed care plans and of access to Medi-Cal services,” said Anthony Wright, executive director for the statewide advocacy group Health Access. “I think people on Medicaid are very appreciative of the care they get and it’s far preferable to be being uninsured. What’s troubling is the finding that we don’t even know if people have access. We’re two steps away from solving the problems that exist if we don’t know what they are.”
The agency “agrees with many of the state auditor’s recommendations” and already has begun to work on improving oversight, Department of Health Care Services Director Jennifer Kent said in a statement.
The agency is upgrading the ombudsman’s phone system to handle more calls and is taking other steps to ensure that residents can get medical care when and where they need it, she noted.
The state’s Department of Health Care Services contracts with 22 different health plans to provide managed health care services to Medi-Cal recipients, who must choose from managed care plans available in their counties.
The audit singled out the performance of the Medi-Cal Managed Care Ombudsman’s office, noting that too-few staffers, an inadequate telephone system and a glitch-prone computer system kept it from addressing complaints.
The telephone system rejected thousands of calls each month, ranging from about 7,000 to more than 45,000, between February, 2014 and January, 2015.
Even when calls got through, staffers were able to answer only a third to a half of them, the audit noted. A database to maintain information on the calls crashed frequently, resulting in further loss of data.
Efforts to improve oversight of Medi-Cal managed care plans are underway. The Department of Health Care Services is creating a “dashboard” of plan performance indicators to better identify problems in real time.
Pending legislation would require health plans to more frequently update their provider lists for all consumers, not just those on Medi-Cal.
A new state law also will require health insurers, including those serving Medi-Cal managed care patients, to provide data to regulators on how much time it takes for patients to get appointments with their physicians.
The audit noted that the Department of Health Care Services also needs to improve how it reviews primary care provider directories, which can affect children’s ability to get medical care.
“With nearly half of all children in California enrolled in Medi-Cal managed care, the state is responsible for ensuring that children are actually able to access needed health services,” said Alison Buist, director of health policy for the Children’s Defense Fund. “The audit confirms what advocates have long suspected: The state is not effectively monitoring whether health plans have enough providers to serve the Medi-Cal population, and the mechanisms to identify challenges beneficiaries face in accessing care are not working as well as they should.”
In a statement, California State Sen. Edward Hernandez, chair of the Senate’s health committee, cited lack of funding as a key factor.
“While disappointing, the results of this audit are not surprising,” Hernandez said. “The systematic underfunding of Medi-Cal is making it very difficult for plans to set up adequate networks, and DHCS is not doing enough to make sure the commitments we’ve made to beneficiaries are being honored.”
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Fresno RNs, Community Members Hold Sit In at Offices of Rep. Costa
Fighting to Stop Fast Track/TPP, RNs call on all Nurses, Supporters to Rise Up
Staff members expecting a quiet morning at Rep. Jim Costa’s Fresno office—underestimated what can happen when Congress members vote to endanger public health, with a trade deal that could balloon medication costs, overturn nurse-to-patient ratios, and destroy the environment.
Cue the nurses.
“I came out today because it’s important to get Costa to reverse his ‘yes’ vote on aspects of a trade agreement which would cause the public to pay more for medications and let corporations overturn laws, like nurse-to-patient ratios, if they were seen as barriers to profit,” says Susan Burr, RN, of Kaiser Fresno. Burr, along with other National Nurses United members and community organizations, joined a sit-in at Rep. Costa’s office Tuesday morning to hold Costa accountable.
Last week, Rep. Costa voted yes on two sections of a three-part bill that would allow “Fast Track” approval for the risky Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). One section was struck down, stalling the entire “Fast Track” bill. A re-vote, initially slated for today, was just put off as late as July 30—largely because unions and community groups ensured Fast Track supporters weren’t able to turn enough votes that quickly. RNs say between now and July, they will continue fighting for all reps to vote on the right side of public health.
Nurses will be launching a billboard campaign, in addition to continuing to visit and call representatives across the country to ensure they don’t harm our patients, working families or communities.
“Rep. Costa’s recent vote would pave the way for extending the amount of time pharmaceutical companies have before a drug could go generic. As a healthcare provider, I know firsthand that would lead to people with diseases that could’ve been prevented or controlled—like diabetes or hypertension,” says Burr. “If they couldn’t afford medication, you’d be seeing more patients coming in to the hospital, sick.”
At today’s sit-in, RNs and community groups turned up the heat on Rep. Costa to reverse his position. According to nurses, his staff responded in kind, literally—by shutting off the air conditioning. While trying to sweat out the nurses and community groups, Costa’s staff also refused the bathroom key and eventually called an officer from the Department of Homeland Security (who allowed the sit in to continue). The RNs stayed throughout the morning, speaking to media and also monitoring members of local community groups who were on a hunger strike.
“I want people to know that nurses care about our patients—and our future patients. We care about the public and their healthcare,” says Burr, adding that she expects elected leaders to do the same. “I’d like for Rep. Costa to listen to what the people want—not what’s good for big business but what is good for the people.”
When elected leaders don’t listen to public health concerns, as NNU members are proving in Fresno and across the country, they will have to answer to the most trusted profession in America: The nurses.
The Fresno RNs held their ground today, but the Trans-Pacific Partnership will impact all patients—and the entire public at-large.
The voice of nurses is absolutely critical—from this moment, through to the end of July vote. We MUST hold our ground to ensure corporations cannot Fast Track the TPP, thereby inflating medication costs and steamrolling laws we fought so hard to enact, like nurse-to-patient ratios in California.
Please contact Congress (repeatedly, with the tenacity and care they can expect from RNs) and say “Stop Fast Track, Stop TPP!”
Finding the Right Nursing Shoe: Shoebuy sample product review
Finding the Right Nursing Shoe: Shoebuy sample product review Finding the Right Nursing Shoe for the nurse can be an essential tool for the job. As a travel nurse, this becomes even more important because you don’t want to have to pack and haul more than necessary. There are a multitude of brands and websites […]
The post Finding the Right Nursing Shoe: Shoebuy sample product review appeared first on The Gypsy Nurse.
Most Americans Say Drug Costs Are ‘Unreasonable,’ Although They Can Still Afford To Buy Them
Nearly three in four Americans say the costs of prescription drugs are “unreasonable,” with most putting the blame on drugmakers, according to a poll released Tuesday.
The survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found 74 percent of those taking prescription drugs find the costs unreasonable, as do 72 percent of those not taking such drugs. (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
The poll builds on the results of an earlier Kaiser survey in April that identified high drug costs as the public’s top health care priority for Congress and the president. Drug costs have gained attention in the past year as a result of controversies surrounding Sovaldi and other new hepatitis C drugs, which can cure most cases of the deadly liver disease but at a price of $84,000 for a 12-week treatment. The high cost has strained Medicaid and Medicare budgets and left private insurers scrambling.
Half the public says they take prescription drugs. More than three quarters of those say they are easy to afford, with only one in five saying they have difficulty paying for them. But about a quarter of respondents said they or a family member have not filled a prescription in the past year, while 18 percent have cut pills in half or skipped doses to save money, the poll found.
More than three-quarters of the public cited drug company profits as the No. 1 reason for the high costs, followed by the expense of medical research (64 percent), the cost of marketing (54 percent) and the cost of lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies (49 percent).
About 10 percent of respondents also blame insurance companies, saying they require enrollees to shoulder too great a share of drug costs.
The survey also found most Americans are still not paying attention to the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act in a case called King v. Burwell. The Supreme Court is expected to decide this month whether to cut off government subsidies to millions of people in about three dozen states that rely on a federal insurance marketplace, rather than a state-based marketplace. About 72 percent of respondents say they have heard little or nothing about the case.
However, the survey found more than half of respondents were “very” or fairly closely” following news about the 2016 presidential campaign. About 39 percent of respondents said they were closely following news about the House of Representatives banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy — the most closely followed health policy issue.
The poll of 1,200 adults, conducted from June 2 to June 9, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Even As Obamacare Seeks To Expand Women’s Coverage, Some Still Face Key Gap
Having a baby is a common women’s health event, yet insurance coverage isn’t always assured.
Although the federal government recently clarified that many insurance plans must cover prenatal care as a preventive service without charging women anything out of pocket, it didn’t address a crucial — and much pricier — gap in some young women’s coverage: labor and delivery costs.
Perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Insurers and some employers have long tried to sidestep paying for maternity care, which includes prenatal, delivery and postpartum services. Individual plans typically refused to pay for pregnancy-related services until the health law established that maternity and newborn care together are a so-called “essential health benefit” that must be included in their individual and small group coverage.
Meanwhile, large employers that provide health insurance are required to cover maternity care for employees and their spouses under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978. But that protection doesn’t extend to dependent children, even though under the health law, adult children can now stay on their parents’ plans until they turn 26.
“I suspect that a lot of this goes back to dependents being kids,” says Adam Sonfield, a senior public policy associate at the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive rights research and education organization. “That perspective is just outdated, and was never entirely correct in terms of need for care anyway.”
In May, the federal government clarified that dependent children are covered by the health law requirement that preventive services, including preconception and prenatal care, be covered without cost sharing in all plans, except those that were grandfathered under the law.
Typically, prenatal care for a young woman for a first pregnancy would include visits to her health care provider every four weeks for the first 28 weeks of pregnancy, every two weeks until 36 weeks and weekly thereafter, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. In addition, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends pregnancy-related services, including screening for gestational diabetes, anemia and Hepatitis B.
But prenatal care is a small portion of the cost of having a baby, and families that have to pay for an adult child’s labor and delivery charges, including the hospital bill, could be on the hook for thousands of dollars.
Insurers paid $18,329 for a vaginal birth and $27,866 for a cesarean birth on average in 2010, according to a study by Truven Health Analytics. Consumers paid an average of $2,244 and $2,669, respectively, out of pocket. The payment totals include all maternity care.
Hospitalization made up between 81 and 86 percent of the total cost of maternity payments, the largest proportion by far, the study found. Prenatal care accounted for most of the remaining cost.
“The payments that are made are highly concentrated in that little window,” Carol Sakala, director of the Childbirth Connection, one of the organizations that commissioned the study. Childbirth Connection is a program of the National Partnership for Women and Families.
But labor and delivery is exactly what some health plans don’t cover for dependent children.
Continuing a slow upward trend, the average age at which women have their first baby was 26 in 2013. Meanwhile, the proportion of first births to teenagers continues to decline. In 2010, 19 percent of first births were to teenagers under age 20, compared with 36 percent in 1970.
Although the extent to which large employer plans refuse to cover maternity care for dependent children isn’t known, benefits experts say it’s common.
In 2013, the National Women’s Law Center filed sex discrimination complaints with the Office for Civil Rights of the federal Department of Health and Human Services against five employers that exclude pregnancy-related coverage for the dependent children of their employees.
The law center brought the complaints under Sec. 1557 of the health law, which protects people from discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender identity and sex stereotypes in health care plans.
“Pregnancy discrimination is per se sex discrimination,” says Dania Palanker, senior counsel at the National Women’s Law Center. The center is still awaiting a response from the civil rights office.
The HHS Office for Civil Rights can’t comment on open cases or compliance reviews, a spokesperson said.
Please contact Kaiser Health News to send comments or ideas for future topics for the Insuring Your Health column.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
HHS Proposes Vision for the Future of Head Start, Releases New Performance Standards
HHS Proposes Vision for the Future of Head Start, Releases New Performance Standards
RNs Report Back From Sea on the Continuing Promise Mission to 11 Countries with U.S. Service Members
Extra socks, 4 a.m. wake-up calls, and plenty of opportunities to provide care; these are just a few of the elements that make up a day for nurse volunteers with Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN) serving aboard the Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20). RNRN is a disaster relief project of National Nurses United and the California Nurses Foundation.
It is now two months into the Continuing Promise 2015 (CP-15) mission, on which the nurses have joined joint military personnel and health care professionals, engineers, veterinarians and environmental health experts for a humanitarian assistance mission that includes mission stops in 11 countries in South America, Central America and the Caribbean. CP-15 is a U.S. Southern Command sponsored mission, under the operational control of U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/ U.S. 4th Fleet.
The CP-15 crew has over 1000 members from various Navy commands but also additional support from the Army, Air Force and Non-Governmental Organizations. The mission was initially launched in 2007; this year expands on previous CP deployments, building on relationships created in previous years. Participants, including RNRN volunteers, will work together to increase the capacities of countries and communities to provide for themselves, making each visit a subject matter expert exchange.
RNRN volunteers treat patients aboard Comfort in a pre-op or post-anesthesia care unit setting and also work in clinics set-up ashore in each country. The clinics are sometimes set up in gymnasiums, and volunteers work in high heat conditions and physically demanding environments. The clinic sites are cordoned off into separate areas for dental, optometry, physical therapy, women’s health, general medicine, and pediatrics. RNRN nurses typically work in the waiting areas, gathering vital signs, weighing children or working with an interpreter at triage sites set-up outside the buildings, often times covered by tents for shade from the hot sun.
“Today, I’m on shore to help run a general clinic that will see several hundred patients,” RNRN volunteer Tim Launius said from Belize. “There were over a hundred people waiting before we got here today.”
Launius later described a similar scene in Guatemala, where they saw 600 patients a day at two clinic sites. “The patients began lining-up around 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. each day, at both clinics. When we arrived, the line had extended around the block on which the building is located.”
“It’s an amazing feeling to be able to help someone and to see them walk away knowing they are in a better position,” said Amy Bowen, an emergency room nurse from Ozark, Mo. “It’s such a rewarding trip. The [patients] show so much appreciation. I just want to help as much as I can.”
At a recent stop in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, RNRN nurses were part of a team of military and nongovernmental organization medical volunteers who worked alongside partner nation medical personnel to provide no-cost medical and dental services to Nicaraguan citizens. Cathy Kennedy, a registered nurse with RNRN, described the trip as rewarding in an email update about their work around the Nicaragua stop.
“Everyone going to the medical site will be transported via helicopter out there,” Kennedy wrote. “There is a strict ‘muster’ time of 4 a.m. We have to be prepared to potentially spend the night, so we have to bring a shirt, flashlight, feet spray, hat, socks – all in a small backpack. The nurses are fabulous and tough as needles! We all jump right in and help out.”
Comfort departed Norfolk, Va., in April and is scheduled to return in September. During that time, groups of volunteers along with the joint-military team of personnel will perform hundreds of surgical procedures at no cost, treat thousands of patients, reinforce local infrastructure, and provide veterinary services in Belize, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominica and Honduras. Their goals include improving living conditions in host countries, as well as strengthening U.S. relationships with partner nations. A multinational planning staff surveyed doctors, nurses, dentists and other local professionals in the host nations to develop a set of priorities on the ground.
RNRN, a project of National Nurses United, the nation’s largest organization of RNs, was formed in 2004 in the aftermath of the South Asia tsunami, when the need for nurses was not being met by traditional disaster relief organizations. Since that time, RNRN has sent direct-care nurse volunteers to assist following Hurricane Katrina, the massive earthquake in Haiti, and Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, among other deployments. RNRN previously participated in the Continuing Promise mission in 2010.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support the RNRN disaster relief fund, go to http://nationalnursesunited.org/rnrn-disaster-relief-fund