Ask a Travel Nurse: How picky can I be when choosing a Travel Nursing assignment?
Ask a Travel Nurse Question:
Hi David, I kind of have two questions. First, I’ve been told that when looking for a Travel Nurse assignment, you should go through a couple different agencies. True or false?
Well, I did that, and just accepted an exciting job in Washington. When I told my other recruiter that I got a job, she wasn’t too happy with me. And when she was working with me she seemed to want me to take the first hospital that called me for an interview. So, my second question is how picky can I be when choosing a Travel Nursing assignment? Don’t I have the right to go through a couple agencies and find the best job? I’m not sure if the recruiter I was working with is really good or just really pushy and wants to land a contract for her company. Plus, she wanted to me to go to Yuma, Arizona for my first assignment, which I haven’t heard the best things about. What do you think? Thanks!
Ask a Travel Nurse Answer:
Using multiple agencies? True, this is the best practice. I’m not sure I know of any seasoned travelers who do not use more than one agency. I hit two decades of travel this year and I am on file with about six or seven agencies to meet my needs.
Additionally, my recruiters know that I use multiple agencies. I have even had one recruiter tell me that she would honestly go with another company for an upcoming assignment. This was due to the fact that her company could not match the stipend ($400/month more) that another company was offering on the exact same assignment (same location, same hospital, even same unit!!).
However, this type of dialog is only possible when you have great recruiters that know that even if you do not take an assignment with them today, you may very well take one with them in the future.
All recruiters want to put you to work and even mine have pushed a time or two when exploring assignment options. The difference is, when I stated my position clearly, they acquiesced and didn’t get mad, didn’t pout, and often played it off with an “Alright, I understand” in a dejected, but pleasant tone.
You are in charge and as I have written many times before, it is not so much the company that you work for that is the integral part of a good travel experience, but rather, the Travel Nurse recruiter with whom you are working.
Plus, at this time of year, if your recruiter can’t get you to Phoenix (a much nicer assignment location than Yuma), then that agency may not have all the assignment options you should have available.
I keep toying with the notion of consulting and putting together a one day education program for the travel companies where I go to their offices and teach their recruiters what they should know about travel … from a Travel Nurse’s perspective!! Every time I receive an email like yours, I truly see there is a need for it. J
I hope this helps and answers all your questions.